Graal Cloud Native Launcher

This extension provides a launcher to easily create a new Graal Cloud Native project in Visual Studio Code.

Extension Installation #

Graal Cloud Native Launcher is part of the Graal Cloud Native Extension Pack, which you are recommended to install. The extension pack provides support for the Micronaut framework, GraalVM Native Image, integration with the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps service, Oracle Database and MySQL server, etc.

  1. Navigate to Extensions in the left-hand side Activity Bar.
  2. Search for “Graal Cloud Native Extension Pack” in the search field.
  3. Once found, click Install. It installs the pack from the VS Code Marketplace
  4. Reload when required.

Usage #

Create New Project #

The GCN Launcher can create different types of Graal Cloud Native applications. A wizard guides you through the selection of Graal Cloud Native features for your project.

  1. Select Command Palette from the View menu. Search for “Graal Cloud Native”, and invoke the Graal Cloud Native: Create New Project command.

    Create New Project Action

  2. The wizard will prompt you to generate a new Maven or Gradle project. For example, to create a simple Java-based Graal Cloud Native application:
    • Select the Micronaut version
    • Select an Application type
    • Select an installed JDK
    • Provide a name for the project
    • Provide a base package
    • Pick the Graal Cloud Native features to be included in the project
    • Select a build tool: Maven or Gradle
    • Select a unit test framework: JUnit, Spock, or Kotest
    • Select cloud providers to support: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and/or Amazon Web Services.

    Note: select OCI if you want to later use the OCI DevOps service.

  3. Finally, you are asked where to save your new project. You can then choose to open it in a new VS Code window or to add it to a Workspace in the current VS Code window.

You now have a new Graal Cloud Native application, complete with example code that shows you how to get going.

Feedback #

If you have suggestions for new features, or if you have found a bug: