Using the GCN Launcher

This guide shows how you to use the GCN Launcher to generate a project.

The GCN Launcher is divided into two main sections: configuration of the development environment and target cloud platform; and selection of available services and features. This guide describes both sections in turn.

Configuration of Development Environment and Target Cloud Platform #

Create a configuration for your project from the following options.

Project Type #

GCN create the following Project types:

  • Application: a server application
  • Function: a serverless cloud function
  • Gateway Function: a serverless cloud gateway function

Project Name #

The name of the project.

Base Package #

The name of the package containing the application. This determines the project’s namespace.

Clouds #

The name(s) of a cloud platform. Select the appropriate check boxes.

Language #

The language to use to develop the project. Select the appropriate radio button (or use the default).

Build Tool #

The build tool to use for the project. Select the appropriate radio button (or use the default).

Test Framework #

The test framework to use for the project. Select the appropriate radio button (or use the default).

Java Version #

The JDK version the project should target. Select the appropriate radio button (or use the default).

Micronaut Version #

The version of micronaut libraries the project should use. Select the appropriate radio button (or use the default).

Sample Code #

Indicates whether to include sample code in the project. Select the appropriate check box (or use the default).

Services and Features #

Create a configuration for your project from the following options.

Cloud Services #

Select the services you require for your project from the Services tab. For information about the available services, see GCN Modules.

Features #

Select the Micronaut features required by your application from the Features tab. (Use the search field to filter features.) For more information about Micronaut Features, see Micronaut Guides.